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Data Protection:

1. Tania Richards and Astrid Van Wilsem are registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) as Data Controller. You can view Tania's ICO registration by visiting: You can view Astrid's's ICO registration by visiting: 2. All client details, case notes and correspondence will be stored securely and treated confidentially according to General Data Protection Regulations and the Data Protection Act 2018.  3. Information is stored securely in a locked filing cabinet. Reports and programmes are password protected.  4. Any paper based confidential information is stored securely in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations and the Data Protection Act 2018. 5. In accordance with law, all records will be kept securely until your child is 25 years old or if a young adult, for 7 years after discharge. After this time all records relating to your child will be destroyed. 6. You may apply in writing to access a paper copy of your child’s notes or to request modifications of any inaccuracies. These requests will be dealt with within 30 days. 7. For further information please refer to Tania Richards and Astrid Van Wilsem's Privacy Policy.



1.Tania Richards and Astrid Van Wilsem renew their DBS checks as required (yearly update service). Service users may see their DBS enhanced disclosure at any time.  2. In the event of a safeguarding concern, where your child or another person is at risk of harm, she has a legal obligation to share that information with relevant professionals in line with the Safeguarding Children's Act 2004.


Liaison with other professionals:

1. To offer the best service to your child it is often important for me to liaise with other professionals involved in their care.   2. This includes people such as NHS Speech and Language Therapists, Clinical Psychologists, Neurodevelopment Practitioners, school/pre-school staff, your GP or other medical/educational staff.


Working hours and availability:

1. Tania Richards and Astrid Van Wilsem work Monday to Friday.  2. They can be contacted by email or phone and aim to respond by the next working day. 


Use of video:

1. Some assessment and therapy techniques involve the use of video to record your child playing with you.  2. The videos are temporarily stored on an encrypted, password protected tablet. Once the video has been used as needed in therapy it will be deleted. No copies will be retained.


Electronic communication:

1. Email is not a 100% secure method of communication. With your consent, it will be used for correspondence and to send letters, reports and other documents.  2. Documents will be password protected and saved in Printed Document Format (PDF).  3. Correspondence via email to other professionals will be copied to you as necessary.  4. Tania and Astrid will refer to your child in emails by their initials only. 



1. In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with Tania Richards or Astrid Van Wilsem's service please contact them. They will make every attempt to resolve this through discussion.  2. If it is not possible for us to resolve matters, and you wish to complain formally, please contact the Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice at 


Declaration:         *please delete as appropriate, print and scan and return to or

I understand I can contact Tania and/or Astrid before signing the terms and conditions if I have any questions


I agree to Tania and Astrid liaising with other professionals when it is in my child’s best interests: *YES / NO

I agree to Tania or Astrid using video as necessary in my child’s assessment as described above: *YES / NO

I understand that Tania and Astrid will be storing and processing my child’s personal information as described above:     *YES / NO 

I give consent for Tania and Astrid to use email as a form of communication with me and other professionals as described above: *YES / NO        


By signing below, I am agreeing to these terms and conditions.


Signed:................................................... Print Name: ……………………………………….…  

Relationship to child: ………………………………..  Date: ……………………


Please give the email address(es) you would like me to use in correspondence with you: 



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